Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tuna and couscous salad

I found this recipe last week while I was looking for something easy to prepare and that required little or no cooking. Partly because it's been really hot here and partly because until just this very moment our oven's been out of commission which does limit what I can cook.

I was a bit dubious about it, I'm not a huge fan of fish although I know we need to eat more to help decrease Luke's cholesterol levels and I've had bad experiences with snow peas in the past but it was very very tasty and I'm going to add to my list of "Things we like" as even Luke thought so. There was enough for all of us and Luke's lunch and a small amount for my lunch to be supplemented with Jacob's leftover baked beans :-)

I forgot to buy the red onion at the greengrocers last week. *note to self - try to avoid shopping with Jacob at 5pm on a Friday so I added some chives I had in the fridge and I spiced it up slightly by adding half a teaspoon of minced red chilli (yes from a jar!).

1 comment:

Penny said...

Yeah, I struggle with getting fish into our diet too. It's just not that attractive to me.